I didn’t write a newsletter this week because I’m on vacation. But with Europe on the verge of its largest war since 1945, I couldn’t resist organizing a Zoom call with Francis Fukuyama for this Thursday. It feels like one historical era may be ending, and another about to begin. And I can’t think of anyone better to interpret this transformative moment than Francis Fukuyama, whose 1989 essay (and subsequent book), “The End of History?” did more to shape public perceptions of the post-cold war age than any other single document.
The conversation, for paid subscribers, will be this Thursday (not the usual Friday) at Noon EST. For those paid subscribers who missed it, we’ll send out the video next week.
Please join us.
See you on Thursday,
Wow. What a disaster. Interview with the person who most got it wrong the last time around, and who had been one of the least correct prognosticators in the life of millennials. Why not just get Chuck Todd and be fine with it? Unsubscribing for this ludicrous self own.