Merry Christmas
Don’t worry. This isn’t a full-scale newsletter. It’s short. Two quick things.
1) I have a new essay in Jewish Currents about Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock and the history of Black politicians being called anti-Israel.
2) I realized that in Monday’s newsletter I didn’t wish Merry Christmas to those folks who are celebrating. That, plus the gratuitous use of Yiddish, made me worry I might have come across as sectarian or exclusionary. If that was the case, I’m sorry. That wasn’t my intent. In fact, I love Christmas: The music, the lights, the ornaments, the movies, the not-being-at-work. If there’s a War on Christmas, I’m a conscientious objector! Perhaps even a spy behind enemy lines. (If you haven’t heard Jon Stewart’s take on the War on Christmas, by the way, pour yourself some eggnog and enjoy).
So Merry Christmas to everyone for whom Christmas is special. To everyone else, Happy Holidays or Season’s Greetings, or whatever other saccharine phrase Fox News considers seditious. I’ll have a new edition of the newsletter—which will hopefully be more substantive and less defensive—in the new year.
Best wishes,