The guy who calls for ideological tests for Jewish groups and refuses to condemn anti-Semites pointing fingers at other people for the rise of anti-Semitism. You really can't make this stuff up.

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The rise of antisemitism?

Look no further than racist, apartheid Israel’s brutal military occupation of the Palestinians.

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Blaming the victim, eh? It's a bold move from an avid reader of hate sites, but I'm sure it'll be well received here.

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“This is our state — the Jewish state. This is our nation, language, and flag,” Netanyahu has said; and the Palestinian oppression is a Jewish shonda, overwhelmingly supported by world Jewry with cultural, political and financial backing. So Jews who object to Israeli crimes must come forward."

Come forward, Winters.

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"World Jewry"? Could you channel Henry Ford and neo-Nazis any harder? What's your plan for Jews who don't object to "Israeli crimes"? Lining them up against a wall?

Peter, anything to say about this comment by one of your beloved readers? Can I assume that if you don't condemn it, you agree with it, since that's the standard you yourself established?

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Peter your intellectual dishonesty today is astounding ! Blaming Donald Trump for speaking out about Jews who won't vote in Israel's best interest as somehow emboldening slimeballs like White Nationalists and mentally ill crackpots like Kanye West, is just nonsense. Kanye is full of toxic envy for Jews and he simply fails to understand anything about Judaism and Jewish thought.

And Doug Mastriano ? Yeah, he is definitely a better judge of what is good for Israel than YOU are, and your anti-zionist followers. Josh Shapiro and the Democrats are a threat to democracy in Pennsylvania and I hope he gets a good shellacking. The elections shenanigans that went on in PA are still being sorted out. And for you to support a left-wing Jewish politician who supported vote by mail ballots when it was in DIRECT CONTRAVENTION OF THE STATE CONSTITUTION is pathetic. You are a shill for Marxism and you have no traction here.

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If you still believe that there was substantial election fraud in Pennsylvania, then you have indeed been infected by the Big Lie of election denialism, and as such are just another shill promoting the end of democracy as it has been practiced in the United States. If you don't see Mr. (and Mrs.) Mastriano as part of an anti-semitic turn in Pennsylvania and the rest off the United States, then you are sadly among those who chose to be blind.

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Another Jew on the wrong side of everything including Jewish values and the Torah.

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There is also a Christian Nationalist contingent however its more in opposition to Islam creeping into the US. Not many average people know how few Jews there are on the planet and that they pose no threat to Christianity identity. The myth of some kind of Jewish domination evaporates with honest education.

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Very interesting. I'm not really sure I would go back to Donald Trump for the Kanye comments unless it's the more broad weakening of norms. See Kyrie Irving's latest scandal for more. The broader observation about Zionism and anti-Semitism being not incompatible is very salient. I remember seeing that in Europe a decade ago when we had Orban wanting to compile a list of Jews who observed traditional religious slaughter even as he got closer with Netanyahu. Disturbing to see it come to the US.

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Nov 7, 2022
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Fascinating. Does it not concern you how he seems to whitewash the history of the Horthy regime? Or do you disagree with this assessment?

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Nov 7, 2022
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I think I see where you are coming from though I don't feel inclined to agree. For your information, he was the Nazi collaborationist dictator who rounded up the Jews during World War II. That history has been buried and removed in curriculum and ignored in Orban's public praise for Horthy.

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Nov 7, 2022
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You lost me with the Ukraine comments. Could you explain what you are referring to? Also how did Alex Baldwin kill more innocent Ukrainians? Surely you have heard of the Bucha massacre?

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It's definitely complicated ... I still favor Mastriano over Shapiro as better for Israel and definitely

for the US and election integrity. Election integrity is critically important this election. The separation of powers in the states is being compromised, just as it is in the federal government.

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You have been reading that Mastriano is a Jew hater because he advertised his campaign on Parler. I disagree. Mastriano did a great deal to expose election irregularities in Pa. He’s a patriot who is being smeared by the left. He would be a much better choice of governor than lefty Josh Shapiro. Parler does have anti- Semites which is probably why Kanye bought the site. Mastriano removed his ads immediately and apologized.

Mastriano will actually be a much better advocate for Israel than Shapiro or his Democratic Socialists. And he’ll be a better governor for Pa.

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This is hopelessly confused. Holding up a Jewish ethnostate is actually an attack on American Jews? Even if that was the case how do you broaden that to antisemitism in general as compared to insufficient support for Israel among American Jews?

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Keep drinking the Koolaid.

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Were you trying to say something?

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I am always angry on people and organisations that justify hate and extremism by tribalism and opportunism. In Europe, Christian Nationalists are targeting Muslims by referring to Islamism while at the same time expressing ideas as of "Christian Europe" and dismantling secular institutions.

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