Who said it was justified? You're saying "Arabs have been killing Jews for 70 years." Implicit in that statement is that Jews have not been doing the same to Arabs, and certainly not with the same brutality. Is that what you are saying?
You say "terrible acts from over 70 years ago." Did you miss the example I gave from within the last decade (and similar things are happening as we speak) of wiping out 30+ members of one family with a single airstrike? Why is that different?
What I said was "Palestinians have been murdering Jews with the goal of destroying Israel for the past 70 years." I didn't say anything about Arabs, and anything you read into the statement beyond what was said is not my concern.
Once you agree with me that my statement is correct and that Hamas's unspeakable crimes over the weekend occurred because they want to destroy Israel, we can discuss what Jews did 70 years ago as much as you would like. Capiche?
You surely know that the terms Arab and Palestinian have been used interchangeably within the context of the conflict for 100 years. Perhaps somewhat less so now but you were talking about "the past 70 years." It was a needless point you made, presumably to deflect.
The statement is inaccurate. The past 70 years. So from 1953 until today. How would murdering Jews manage to achieve the goal of destroying Israel? Both sides have been murdering each other for 70 years. The overwhelming majority of them Palestinians. Sometimes jews were killed to draw attention to the Palestinian cause. Some due to hatred. Some for revenge. Some because they were occupation soldiers that commit war crimes and oppress them. Some to achieve a political goal. Why do Jews kill Arabs? To keep them in fear. To keep them under control. Because of hatred. Punishment. Revenge.
So Hamas' war crimes are justified because of terrible acts from over 70 years ago. Got it. Peter, we got another one over here.
Who said it was justified? You're saying "Arabs have been killing Jews for 70 years." Implicit in that statement is that Jews have not been doing the same to Arabs, and certainly not with the same brutality. Is that what you are saying?
You say "terrible acts from over 70 years ago." Did you miss the example I gave from within the last decade (and similar things are happening as we speak) of wiping out 30+ members of one family with a single airstrike? Why is that different?
What I said was "Palestinians have been murdering Jews with the goal of destroying Israel for the past 70 years." I didn't say anything about Arabs, and anything you read into the statement beyond what was said is not my concern.
Once you agree with me that my statement is correct and that Hamas's unspeakable crimes over the weekend occurred because they want to destroy Israel, we can discuss what Jews did 70 years ago as much as you would like. Capiche?
You surely know that the terms Arab and Palestinian have been used interchangeably within the context of the conflict for 100 years. Perhaps somewhat less so now but you were talking about "the past 70 years." It was a needless point you made, presumably to deflect.
The statement is inaccurate. The past 70 years. So from 1953 until today. How would murdering Jews manage to achieve the goal of destroying Israel? Both sides have been murdering each other for 70 years. The overwhelming majority of them Palestinians. Sometimes jews were killed to draw attention to the Palestinian cause. Some due to hatred. Some for revenge. Some because they were occupation soldiers that commit war crimes and oppress them. Some to achieve a political goal. Why do Jews kill Arabs? To keep them in fear. To keep them under control. Because of hatred. Punishment. Revenge.
What's inaccurate about the statement?
" How would murdering Jews manage to achieve the goal of destroying Israel?"
I have no idea, you'll have to ask Hamas and their supporters like some of the people in this comments section.