Beinart, there used to be a time when I actually felt bad for you, like all the accusations you get that you’re enabling anti-Semitism were exaggerated or false. No longer.
Why would American Jewish organizations be expected to oppose this dude’s entrance into the Israeli government? Aren’t people like you always saying American Jews and Israeli Jews are not the same thing and shouldn’t be perceived as synonymous with one another? Would you expect Israel to oppose the election of certain American politicians? In fact I seem to remember left-wing American Jews like you getting very hot and bothered when Benjamin Netanyahu was perceived as acting against President Obama.
Articles like this justify anti-Semitism because it’s not a very large leap from “American Jewish establishment organizations support fascism” to “American Jews support fascism.” That’s what left-wing anti-Semites have argued for years. And as others have pointed out, this only seems to apply to American Jews. Beinart have you written a column about how American Muslims need to condemn Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar? At least they are Americans as well.
"Beinart, there used to be a time when I actually felt bad for you, like all the accusations you get that you’re enabling anti-Semitism were exaggerated or false. No longer."
When the history of Israel's brutal military occupation of the Palestinians is written, Peter Beinart's name will be up there as one of the people who advocated for justice, equality and human rights for the Palestinians.
Pay attention bro, this article isn't about the Palestinians or the occupation. It's about your senpai Beinart demanding US Jews submit to an ideological test and do what he demands, or else be accused about being right wing fascists. That’s one small step removed from saying American Jews are right wing racists.
But you bring up a good point. Beinart is being hypocritical too. He demands US Jews condemn right wing fascism, while being one of the leading voices in support of Palestine, an entity that is as right wing and fascist as they come, not to mention anti-Semitic. Maybe that last bit is why Beinart likes them? Regardless, this article shows how he holds other Jews to a much, much higher standard than he holds himself.
Really not a question of who Peter Beinart supports or does not support, as long as he supports a fight for justice, truth, and the right to honest criticism.
When Peter Beinart supports Palestine, a fascist Islamist dictatorship, while simultaneously accusing US Jews writ large of being right wing fascists, he's not supporting a fight for justice, truth, and the right to honest criticism. Quite the opposite. But I wouldn't expect someone with your sort of bigoted comment history to know the first thing about justice or truth. You and Beinart are perfect for each other.
You, Mr Anonymous support a racist, apartheid state who for decades has ethically cleansed Palestinians, stolen their lands and treated them abominably.
Robert Herbst is spot on here:
"Let’s have a frank talk about Israeli oppression and antisemitism.
Palestinian oppression is a Jewish shonda, overwhelmingly supported by world Jewry with cultural, political and financial backing. So Jews who object to Israeli crimes must come forward.
Perhaps most demoralizing of all was the continuing capture and control of the narrative – the “Occupation of the American Mind” — by Israeli hasbara that has mischaracterized the facts on the ground over there for my entire lifetime and resulted in the marginalization and silencing of Palestinian and anti-Zionist voices by the mainstream media, the Israel lobby, the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs and the cacophony of “pro-Israel” supporters who together have made Palestinians out to be terrorists and their Israeli oppressors victims; when in fact, the Israeli state and settler violence arrayed against the Palestinians has always dwarfed that of the resistance. It has been a remarkable feat of propaganda and narrative control to carry out these crimes against humanity and slowly but inexorably Judaicizing the Land, pretending to be yearning for a two-state solution while deliberately taking steps to kill any prospect of it. The hasbara has seemed as impenetrable as the Apartheid system it supports.
Anti-Semites quoting from anti-Semitic hate sites in defense of other anti-Semites are in no position to preach morality or point fingers at anybody else. I'm glad you're at least honest enough to admit that you and Beinart believe Jews in general should be held accountable for and attacked for what Israel does. Might as well get the anti-Semitism out in the open. It’s not like you’re fooling anyone.
Why are American Jews being subjected to ideological tests? Do we subject other ethnic groups to ideology tests in the US? When was the last time CAIR was criticized for not condemning Hezbollah? Perhaps Peter should demand Americans of Chinese descent condemn the Chinese government for its treatment of the Uighurs?
"Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.
“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”
AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”"
In Peter's breathless rush to spread hatred towards American Jews, he makes predictions unsubstantiated by history. We still may see condemnations of Ben-Gvir, if his party ever joins the government. Usually AIPAC et. al. let Israelis run their own country but as we see from my example they do speak out on occassion.
And as always, it's hilarious and hypocritical to see people wringing their hands about right wing fascism while supporting Palestine, a right wing fascist state.
But this article is from four years ago. This is precisely the point I made in my commentary--based on Kampeas' reporting. Those groups condemned Ben-Gvir in 2019 when he was marginal but now that he leads what could be the 3rd largest party in Knesset and Netanyahu has made clear he'll govern with him, they've gone silent.
I've written again and again that I oppose violence against civilians, that I favor non-violent resistance AND that the way to stop violent resistance is by also confronting the violence of oppression, as King, Mandela and others said over and over. if you ignore their message, more Jewish Israelis as well as more Palestinians will suffer.
That is NOT a condemnation of Lion's Den, Peter. You didn't even say their name in your comment. What kind of "all lives matter" mentality are you pushing here?
You dare to point fingers at other groups and accuse them of supporting fascism when you can't even bring yourself to name and shame Lion's Den and Hamas? How much of a hypocrite can you be?
The groups condemned Otzma Yehudit when it looked like that party was going to join the ruling coalition. Ben-Gvir is not, to my knowledge, about to join the ruling coalition. If and when they do and the groups fail to condemn, then you can point fingers at American Jews for supporting fascism. Until then, your demands are unreasonable.
EDIT: Also, if they condemned him four years ago, why do they have to condemn him again? When was the last time you condemned Hamas and Fatah?
This piece would be so much better if it was just about him and his odious views. I just don’t get why you must roll in your notion that Israel is not a Democracy. I suspect most of your readers take you at your word and have little actual experience with Israel and its election system. Israel is for sure not trying to practice Democracy in the West Bank because it's not part of Israel. Regardless of what you write, it is an occupied disputed territory. If and when Israel annexes the West Bank and then denies its Arab population the right to vote than you will have a semblance of Apartheid.
As for Gvir’s popularity and acceptance in the US, I think this will be bifurcated. For example, I expect that in the synagogue I attend he will be happily received. How do I know? I was outed when I interrupted a toast for Baruch Goldstein at a Kiddush Club, stopping the toast by saying “if you want to accept the acts of Goldstein than you must also accept the terrorist acts that various Arab groups employ”. And I am still not welcome at the Kiddush Club. Now, I stay and listen to the haftara. Alas.
You may be correct about AIPAC after all they were willing to support election deniers. But I am quite certain that many Jewish organizations will feel embarrassed by the possibility of Gvir in the government. Further, I believe if he makes it into the government this will be bad not only for Israel in Israel but also lend support to the anti-Israel block in the US and UK who will be pointing to Israel as a fascist state all the while our country is sinking into fascism. Yes, much easier to point the finger at others where you have no stake.
Incidentally I saw 2 interviews with Netanyahu (Bill Maher and Fareed Zachariah) and Netanyahu was definitely not the swift fast talking ready with a cogent answer that I recall from many years ago.
As I say in these situations “Let us pray” that Netanyahu and Gvir do not make it.
Ran--first, I'm glad you participate in these conversations even though yours views are in the minority. Second, good for you for getting expelled from kiddish club-which, in any case, is for people who want to go to shul and not daven. But third, annexation or not, Israel controls the West Bank. The IDF can go into any square inch of the West Bank and arrest anyone it wants--including officials of the Palestinian Authority. It does so all the time. I don't think you can just waive away the undemocratic implications of that.
Thank you for your note. I don’t just “waive away” what Israel is doing on the West Bank—I totally disapprove and reject Israel’s policies in the West Bank. I was an early supporter of Yehoshafat Harkabi’s The Bar Kochba Syndrome which warned Israel about settling and occupying the West Bank in perpetuity. Almost 15% of the settlers in the West Bank are Americans who have infected Israel with American religious zealotry that was frankly absent from Israel (Goldstein was a notorious example) until they came. You may recall Orthodoxy rejected Israel until the “miracle” of the June 67 war. Then they started coming. Worse, they had all the answers. Now they believe its Jewish destiny to annex the West Bank.
I don’t.
But I and others in the peace camp are also frustrated by the inability of the Palestinians to do anything other than demand the whole loaf and nothing but the whole loaf. I don’t see anyone on the Palestinian side who can do what the Haganah did on the beaches of Tel Aviv in 1948—namely destroy the power of the Jewish terror groups. They understood that to build a state you need central governance and not private militias running around with their own agendas. The reality is that today there is no one for Israel to negotiate with on the other side. Unfortunately, Israel's crude approach in the West Bank may indeed contribute in part to this ongoing fracturing of the Palestinian leadership, which continues to ongoing frustrations on all sides.
Salman Abu Sitta's rejection of Yehuda Alain Schwartz's model proves that the BDS movement is a supremacist organization that seeks a majority in a single state so that they can repeal the Law of Return for Jews. Yehuda's model offers both economic and political equality to the Palestinians while denying either party the ability to dominate the other. Abu Sitta's refusal to endorse the model should be exposed on the international stage. It is a strategic error to let sleeping dogs lie.You folks are afraid of your own shadows because you know that if Abu Sitta is exposed he will have to give his endorsement and then the Israeli government will try to suppress the Federation movement. Economic and Political Equality rejected by the leader of the BDS movement.
Salman Abu Sitta was approached by Palestinian elites in order to procure his endorsement for the Supranational Federation model whose dual Parliamentary Structure would allow for Palestinian return without undermining Jewish autonomy. Not only did he reject the model but he advised his disciples to stay away from Israelis who are promoting Federal solutions. I can assure you that they will listen. What remains is for the Israeli Government to offer the model as an ultimatum. The likelihood of that happening is close to zero. There is simply no wiggle room here. This will remain an intractable conflict for the forseeable future. The only hope that remains lies with Jews and Arabs on the ground who are engaging in coexistence initiatives.Perhaps over time this will strengthen the longing for peace among the inhabitants of the land.
Peter, may I publish an Italian translation of this speech of yours? I would ask to publish it to where I've already published a Salman Rushdie interview to Edward Said on his book After the last sky
Beinart, there used to be a time when I actually felt bad for you, like all the accusations you get that you’re enabling anti-Semitism were exaggerated or false. No longer.
Why would American Jewish organizations be expected to oppose this dude’s entrance into the Israeli government? Aren’t people like you always saying American Jews and Israeli Jews are not the same thing and shouldn’t be perceived as synonymous with one another? Would you expect Israel to oppose the election of certain American politicians? In fact I seem to remember left-wing American Jews like you getting very hot and bothered when Benjamin Netanyahu was perceived as acting against President Obama.
Articles like this justify anti-Semitism because it’s not a very large leap from “American Jewish establishment organizations support fascism” to “American Jews support fascism.” That’s what left-wing anti-Semites have argued for years. And as others have pointed out, this only seems to apply to American Jews. Beinart have you written a column about how American Muslims need to condemn Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar? At least they are Americans as well.
"Beinart, there used to be a time when I actually felt bad for you, like all the accusations you get that you’re enabling anti-Semitism were exaggerated or false. No longer."
When the history of Israel's brutal military occupation of the Palestinians is written, Peter Beinart's name will be up there as one of the people who advocated for justice, equality and human rights for the Palestinians.
You will still be Anonymous.
Pay attention bro, this article isn't about the Palestinians or the occupation. It's about your senpai Beinart demanding US Jews submit to an ideological test and do what he demands, or else be accused about being right wing fascists. That’s one small step removed from saying American Jews are right wing racists.
But you bring up a good point. Beinart is being hypocritical too. He demands US Jews condemn right wing fascism, while being one of the leading voices in support of Palestine, an entity that is as right wing and fascist as they come, not to mention anti-Semitic. Maybe that last bit is why Beinart likes them? Regardless, this article shows how he holds other Jews to a much, much higher standard than he holds himself.
Really not a question of who Peter Beinart supports or does not support, as long as he supports a fight for justice, truth, and the right to honest criticism.
When Peter Beinart supports Palestine, a fascist Islamist dictatorship, while simultaneously accusing US Jews writ large of being right wing fascists, he's not supporting a fight for justice, truth, and the right to honest criticism. Quite the opposite. But I wouldn't expect someone with your sort of bigoted comment history to know the first thing about justice or truth. You and Beinart are perfect for each other.
You, Mr Anonymous support a racist, apartheid state who for decades has ethically cleansed Palestinians, stolen their lands and treated them abominably.
Robert Herbst is spot on here:
"Let’s have a frank talk about Israeli oppression and antisemitism.
Palestinian oppression is a Jewish shonda, overwhelmingly supported by world Jewry with cultural, political and financial backing. So Jews who object to Israeli crimes must come forward.
Perhaps most demoralizing of all was the continuing capture and control of the narrative – the “Occupation of the American Mind” — by Israeli hasbara that has mischaracterized the facts on the ground over there for my entire lifetime and resulted in the marginalization and silencing of Palestinian and anti-Zionist voices by the mainstream media, the Israel lobby, the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs and the cacophony of “pro-Israel” supporters who together have made Palestinians out to be terrorists and their Israeli oppressors victims; when in fact, the Israeli state and settler violence arrayed against the Palestinians has always dwarfed that of the resistance. It has been a remarkable feat of propaganda and narrative control to carry out these crimes against humanity and slowly but inexorably Judaicizing the Land, pretending to be yearning for a two-state solution while deliberately taking steps to kill any prospect of it. The hasbara has seemed as impenetrable as the Apartheid system it supports.
Anti-Semites quoting from anti-Semitic hate sites in defense of other anti-Semites are in no position to preach morality or point fingers at anybody else. I'm glad you're at least honest enough to admit that you and Beinart believe Jews in general should be held accountable for and attacked for what Israel does. Might as well get the anti-Semitism out in the open. It’s not like you’re fooling anyone.
Why are American Jews being subjected to ideological tests? Do we subject other ethnic groups to ideology tests in the US? When was the last time CAIR was criticized for not condemning Hezbollah? Perhaps Peter should demand Americans of Chinese descent condemn the Chinese government for its treatment of the Uighurs?
"Otzma Yehudit, or Jewish Power, is viewed by many as an offshoot of Kahane’s Kach party, which the State Department designated a terrorist organization. Members of Otzma Yehudit, including Kahane’s former parliamentary aide and his former students, believe that most Arabs support terrorism. The party’s political platform includes plans for the mass transfer of the Arab population out of Israel.
“The views of Otzma Yehudit are reprehensible. They do not reflect the core values that are the very foundation of the State of Israel,” AJC wrote in its statement. “The party might conceivably gain enough votes to enter the next Knesset, and potentially even become part of the governing coalition.”
AIPAC’s tweet simply said it agreed with the AJC and added that it “has a long-standing policy not to meet with members of the racist and reprehensible party.”"
In Peter's breathless rush to spread hatred towards American Jews, he makes predictions unsubstantiated by history. We still may see condemnations of Ben-Gvir, if his party ever joins the government. Usually AIPAC et. al. let Israelis run their own country but as we see from my example they do speak out on occassion.
And as always, it's hilarious and hypocritical to see people wringing their hands about right wing fascism while supporting Palestine, a right wing fascist state.
But this article is from four years ago. This is precisely the point I made in my commentary--based on Kampeas' reporting. Those groups condemned Ben-Gvir in 2019 when he was marginal but now that he leads what could be the 3rd largest party in Knesset and Netanyahu has made clear he'll govern with him, they've gone silent.
Peter, condemn Lion's Den. Condemn them right now or else you support right wing fascism.
I've written again and again that I oppose violence against civilians, that I favor non-violent resistance AND that the way to stop violent resistance is by also confronting the violence of oppression, as King, Mandela and others said over and over. if you ignore their message, more Jewish Israelis as well as more Palestinians will suffer.
That is NOT a condemnation of Lion's Den, Peter. You didn't even say their name in your comment. What kind of "all lives matter" mentality are you pushing here?
You dare to point fingers at other groups and accuse them of supporting fascism when you can't even bring yourself to name and shame Lion's Den and Hamas? How much of a hypocrite can you be?
The groups condemned Otzma Yehudit when it looked like that party was going to join the ruling coalition. Ben-Gvir is not, to my knowledge, about to join the ruling coalition. If and when they do and the groups fail to condemn, then you can point fingers at American Jews for supporting fascism. Until then, your demands are unreasonable.
EDIT: Also, if they condemned him four years ago, why do they have to condemn him again? When was the last time you condemned Hamas and Fatah?
Brilliant Commentary
Thank you
Gvir is loathsome.
This piece would be so much better if it was just about him and his odious views. I just don’t get why you must roll in your notion that Israel is not a Democracy. I suspect most of your readers take you at your word and have little actual experience with Israel and its election system. Israel is for sure not trying to practice Democracy in the West Bank because it's not part of Israel. Regardless of what you write, it is an occupied disputed territory. If and when Israel annexes the West Bank and then denies its Arab population the right to vote than you will have a semblance of Apartheid.
As for Gvir’s popularity and acceptance in the US, I think this will be bifurcated. For example, I expect that in the synagogue I attend he will be happily received. How do I know? I was outed when I interrupted a toast for Baruch Goldstein at a Kiddush Club, stopping the toast by saying “if you want to accept the acts of Goldstein than you must also accept the terrorist acts that various Arab groups employ”. And I am still not welcome at the Kiddush Club. Now, I stay and listen to the haftara. Alas.
You may be correct about AIPAC after all they were willing to support election deniers. But I am quite certain that many Jewish organizations will feel embarrassed by the possibility of Gvir in the government. Further, I believe if he makes it into the government this will be bad not only for Israel in Israel but also lend support to the anti-Israel block in the US and UK who will be pointing to Israel as a fascist state all the while our country is sinking into fascism. Yes, much easier to point the finger at others where you have no stake.
Incidentally I saw 2 interviews with Netanyahu (Bill Maher and Fareed Zachariah) and Netanyahu was definitely not the swift fast talking ready with a cogent answer that I recall from many years ago.
As I say in these situations “Let us pray” that Netanyahu and Gvir do not make it.
Ran--first, I'm glad you participate in these conversations even though yours views are in the minority. Second, good for you for getting expelled from kiddish club-which, in any case, is for people who want to go to shul and not daven. But third, annexation or not, Israel controls the West Bank. The IDF can go into any square inch of the West Bank and arrest anyone it wants--including officials of the Palestinian Authority. It does so all the time. I don't think you can just waive away the undemocratic implications of that.
Thank you for your note. I don’t just “waive away” what Israel is doing on the West Bank—I totally disapprove and reject Israel’s policies in the West Bank. I was an early supporter of Yehoshafat Harkabi’s The Bar Kochba Syndrome which warned Israel about settling and occupying the West Bank in perpetuity. Almost 15% of the settlers in the West Bank are Americans who have infected Israel with American religious zealotry that was frankly absent from Israel (Goldstein was a notorious example) until they came. You may recall Orthodoxy rejected Israel until the “miracle” of the June 67 war. Then they started coming. Worse, they had all the answers. Now they believe its Jewish destiny to annex the West Bank.
I don’t.
But I and others in the peace camp are also frustrated by the inability of the Palestinians to do anything other than demand the whole loaf and nothing but the whole loaf. I don’t see anyone on the Palestinian side who can do what the Haganah did on the beaches of Tel Aviv in 1948—namely destroy the power of the Jewish terror groups. They understood that to build a state you need central governance and not private militias running around with their own agendas. The reality is that today there is no one for Israel to negotiate with on the other side. Unfortunately, Israel's crude approach in the West Bank may indeed contribute in part to this ongoing fracturing of the Palestinian leadership, which continues to ongoing frustrations on all sides.
Salman Abu Sitta's rejection of Yehuda Alain Schwartz's model proves that the BDS movement is a supremacist organization that seeks a majority in a single state so that they can repeal the Law of Return for Jews. Yehuda's model offers both economic and political equality to the Palestinians while denying either party the ability to dominate the other. Abu Sitta's refusal to endorse the model should be exposed on the international stage. It is a strategic error to let sleeping dogs lie.You folks are afraid of your own shadows because you know that if Abu Sitta is exposed he will have to give his endorsement and then the Israeli government will try to suppress the Federation movement. Economic and Political Equality rejected by the leader of the BDS movement.
Pathetic situation now that so many Jews are for Trump and racism...
So many Jews support Trump and racism. You read it here on Peter Beinart's blog. Economic and Political equality rejected by Salman Abu Sitta,the leader of the BDS movement.
Salman Abu Sitta was approached by Palestinian elites in order to procure his endorsement for the Supranational Federation model whose dual Parliamentary Structure would allow for Palestinian return without undermining Jewish autonomy. Not only did he reject the model but he advised his disciples to stay away from Israelis who are promoting Federal solutions. I can assure you that they will listen. What remains is for the Israeli Government to offer the model as an ultimatum. The likelihood of that happening is close to zero. There is simply no wiggle room here. This will remain an intractable conflict for the forseeable future. The only hope that remains lies with Jews and Arabs on the ground who are engaging in coexistence initiatives.Perhaps over time this will strengthen the longing for peace among the inhabitants of the land.
Peter, may I publish an Italian translation of this speech of yours? I would ask to publish it to where I've already published a Salman Rushdie interview to Edward Said on his book After the last sky
Sure, it would be my pleasure. If you could include a link to my newsletter, that would be great. Best, Peter
Great work, Peter
Well said. If anyone loves Israel, this is the time to speak up and save Israel from itself.
Thanks Sam.
Netanyahu would sell his soul to get back into power. I guess we can say that
Itamer Ben-Gvir is his soul mate. Similarities with the power hungry Boris Johnson.
Israelis are fascists and full of hatred, you read it here on Peter Beinart's blog.
A headline in today's Irish Times:
'There are so many sanctions on Russia but not a single sanction here'
Sub heading:
Conditions becoming 'worse every year' across the West Bank as Palestinians ensure Israeli settler expansion '
interesting. will look into it