"Obviously, Donald Trump bears some of the blame."

And there it is. Rent-free 24-7-365.

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Stop Fueling Panic About China.

So, we shouldn’t panic that China has KILLED MILLIONS, all over the world, with their release of their Covid Virus Pandemics?

Is that what this piece a garbage, is telling us?

Cause, that’s what I’m hearing.

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I agree with much of this, but it does not help that much of our media takes side payments from the CCP and then calls attempts to reveal that as "anti-Asian" bias. Also, when the CCP documents all call for an aggressive posture, are they not responsible for hyping the threat they pose? And why, for God's sake, is the uighur situation never referred to as a hate crime by our press?

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common, mr bainart, following your logic, the US ought not to have fought the japanese, the italians and the germans in WW2, for that would have hurt three groups of immigrants. why do u put the interest of a minority group ahead of that of the whole nation, and probably the world? btw, i am a chinese american, since 1991.

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How is it at all controversial to say that the U.S., as a product of Western culture, reflects Judeo-Christian values rather than the values of Islam? Perhaps Mr. Beinart would kindly point me to a Muslim-majority country that even talks about the separation of church and state, that has no laws against heresy and that treats minorities (particularly LGBQ) as well as this country. Would Mr. Beinart feel as free to speak as a journalist against the religious heritage in a Muslim nation? If not, Mr. Beinart is a raging hypocrite - but not subject to any particular persecution here.

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Democrats have and continue to claim Russia “hacked” our election in 2016, chose, collaborated and blackmailed our president. They again claimed they attacked our democracy again in 2020. Biden just to referred to Putin as a killer. Where is the surge in violence against Russians? How about a surge in violence against Iranians? And who is that goes after Asians? And should we not have called out Nazi genocide against Jews? Should we just be okay with China’s current genocide? Should we be okay with how China covers up their role in the pandemic or how they steal intellectual property or hack our networks? Why? Because stupid people lash out, we should just sit down and shut up? I guess then we should take January 6 as a lesson to leave those insurrectionists alone as well. Someone might attack an innocent conservative like me.

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Peter Beinart, an apologist for genocide, organ harvesting, the breaking of international treaties, seizure of lands and waters that China doesn't own, and no doubt, for standing by and watching 24 million Taiwanese get conquered and subjected. Unbelievable.

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Criticizing Genocide is wrong as someone might be harmed?

Wow. That's certainly a take.

And I get it, you oppose harm for people, that's a good sentiment.

But... Can you clarify how Genocide itself does not ALSO result in people being harmed?

Because I really was under the impression that it did.

Putting people in internment camps and forcibly sterilizing them is 100% harm free in your book?

Or you're just not smart enough to see the issue?

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This clown has been a Chinese apologist and shill for years. Garbage.

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Very informative column.

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To clarify, the part I most agree with is that the U.S. military budget is huge and unnecessary. But we'll be glad we spent the money the next time the predictable Bush/Cheney neoliberal war is upon us.

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I agree we should stop fueling panic about the Chicoms. Just the facts.

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Thank you, Peter, for another excellent column. I studied Chinese history in college, Chinese language in Hong Kong and took a course in "Chinese War Fighting" at the Air War College where I did a deep dive on the Sino-Indian War of 1962. Yes, China has 5,000 years of history, but it is not a history of conquest. The dynastic cycle was designed for defense, stability and security. Chinese traditional cultural values focus on harmony, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, honesty, loyalty and filial piety (Zhang Lihua, carnegietsinghua.org). The introduction of a foreign Western ideology, Marxism, constitutes a deviation from these traditional values. As a student of Chinese philosophy and culture, I have long felt that the Chinese nation owes the West a debt for keeping alive Chinese traditional cultural values in institutions such as Academia Sinica in Taiwan while the Maoists were destroying traditional Chinese heritage.

When wiser, cooler heads prevail, we will find much overlap between Chinese and Western traditional values. Human rights must be respected everywhere, of course, but Americans must ensure that their own human rights record is defensible before criticizing the Chinese.

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Before we're perfect we can NOT criticize putting Uighurs into concentration camps and forcibly sterilizing or killing them? Interesting take.

If you'd like to re-use this argument? This sounds like a perfect defense of NOT having the US oppose Hitler in WW2 as well; so you've got that going for it too. Very good pro-Nazi argument there.

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