To be clear, Israel did spend 16 months burning Palestinians. "That is your prophecy" means that's the direction ethnic superiority goes. As Palestinian thought leaders have pointed out, settler colonialism eventually leads to genocide.

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Of course, there's nothing original about expelling Palestinians to outside Arab countries -- it's how Gaza and the West Bank were created in 1948, and it also was Biden's suggestion in 2023. America taking it over just makes it marginally creepier, but not much.

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In reading your important book and hearing your podcasts, I feel my parents and grandparents nodding in grateful agreement. Your voice is essential to those of us who have felt alone and alienated from our friends in the American Jewish community. You are offering us a way back to our Jewish identity, a clarity in the midst of so much denial, rationalization, specious and self-serving justifications for Israeli actions.

Thank you for your work and your commitment to that clarity.

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Thank you Peter for helping us remember our human values.

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One outsider observation is that there seems to be more push back against Trump’s plan among Israelis in that Gaza would become US territory under the plan, not Israeli territory as it “should” be, than there is against the idea of ethnically-cleansing 2 million Gazans. Meir Kahane must be doing cartwheels of joy in his grave.

The second observation is how Orwellian the discourse has so quickly become: that the ethnic cleansing supporters are the TRUE humanitarian bleeding-hearts and western objectors to the dispossession are the ones being cynical and cruel to the Palestinians.

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I say BRAVO!!! as a Catholic who is listening to an administration which has appropriated Christian and increasingly Catholic tradition in ever more insidious ways to bless greed and contempt. As a Catholic who wonders if any other Christian ever stops to think about the moment in the Good Friday liturgy when we are required to stand and demand the crucifixion, to speak those words and to hear those words coming from your mouth and to realize what we are blindly and willfully demand just as a matter of course, as just the way the world works. This idea isn’t just a monstrosity for Israel and Jews but for Christians who themselves have lost and abandoned the essence of what Christianity proposes…the essential goodness of the person in themselves and the fragility of that goodness in the systems that humans (not God) create.

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Well said גט געזאגט

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