
This video is not transcribed. Here’s the 2018 Atlantic essay on which it is based.

There will be no Zoom call this Friday.


Things to Read:

In Jewish Currents (subscribe), Alisa Solomon reviews Tom Stoppard’s play, LeopoldStadt.

Jon Stewart is excellent on Dave Chappelle and antisemitism.

I talked to Slate’s What’s Next podcast about the rise of the far right in Israel.

I’ve been reading Eric Alterman’s new book, We Are Not One: A History of America’s Fight Over Israel. It’s excellent—and dispiriting, in a groundhog day kind of way. Starting with Harry Truman, American president after American president objects to Israeli behaviors that undermine the chances for a just peace. Again and again they fold in the face of domestic political pressure. Eric’s written a terrific intellectual and political history. But if you care about Palestinian freedom, don’t flip its pages looking for hope.

See you a week from Friday,


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