At first, I was hoping this was going to be an insightful commentary about American support for Ukraine. But, what I expected, in fact, turned out to be the case. It was another opportunity for Peter to blame Israel. The reason Asian countries are not more openly against Russia is because they see America’s support for Israel as hypocrit…
At first, I was hoping this was going to be an insightful commentary about American support for Ukraine. But, what I expected, in fact, turned out to be the case. It was another opportunity for Peter to blame Israel. The reason Asian countries are not more openly against Russia is because they see America’s support for Israel as hypocritical. The reason Russia can’t be brought before the international court is because Israel is defended by America against unfair prosecution.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing for Peter, for a change, to challenge the Palestinian narrative? Are there any Palestinians he could interview who advocate for two states for two people with no “right of return“ nonsense that the Palestinians use to reject peace; that want the corrupt Palestinian leaders removed from office; that are against terror attacks, car rammings, stabbings, shootings of innocent Israelis; that want textbooks to stop using examples that teach children to hate Israel?
The answer is no, perhaps because there are no such Palestinians who would go on record for fear of their own safety, but more likely because Peter’s audience pays him to be the court Jew to to do the dirty work for them and continually blame Israel. Shameful.
At first, I was hoping this was going to be an insightful commentary about American support for Ukraine. But, what I expected, in fact, turned out to be the case. It was another opportunity for Peter to blame Israel. The reason Asian countries are not more openly against Russia is because they see America’s support for Israel as hypocritical. The reason Russia can’t be brought before the international court is because Israel is defended by America against unfair prosecution.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing for Peter, for a change, to challenge the Palestinian narrative? Are there any Palestinians he could interview who advocate for two states for two people with no “right of return“ nonsense that the Palestinians use to reject peace; that want the corrupt Palestinian leaders removed from office; that are against terror attacks, car rammings, stabbings, shootings of innocent Israelis; that want textbooks to stop using examples that teach children to hate Israel?
The answer is no, perhaps because there are no such Palestinians who would go on record for fear of their own safety, but more likely because Peter’s audience pays him to be the court Jew to to do the dirty work for them and continually blame Israel. Shameful.