The problem with US involvement in Ukraine is that it's very clearly made up as it goes along. Look at how weaponry is dispensed, with an initial period where the US claims that it's not going to provide rocket artillery, or tanks, or (maybe) F-16 fighter jets only to reverse itself.
This is clearly a violation of the Powell doctrine, wh…
The problem with US involvement in Ukraine is that it's very clearly made up as it goes along. Look at how weaponry is dispensed, with an initial period where the US claims that it's not going to provide rocket artillery, or tanks, or (maybe) F-16 fighter jets only to reverse itself.
This is clearly a violation of the Powell doctrine, which dictates no military involvement without clear and achievable goals. What is the end game in the Ukraine? Is it to bleed Russia a bit before a final capitulation? Is it to regain territory? If so does that include the Crimea? The Biden Administration deserves every bit of the criticism that it is receiving because it refuses to explicate its objectives.
That is because people in the Administration are divided with regard to those objectives, and if any of them were clarified they would motivate Russia to fight on, to fight even harder. Putin is correct about some Americans, that they want to break up the Russian federation to create a weaker Russia. General Austin comes to mind, although his boss seems to have told him to put a lid on it for now.
Most Americans do not want Ukraine to take back Crimea, on account of that would start WWIII. Plus Obama essentially gave Russia a pass on that, because many people who know anything about the subject think Kruschev blew it in giving Crimea to Ukraine in the 1950’s.
The problem with US involvement in Ukraine is that it's very clearly made up as it goes along. Look at how weaponry is dispensed, with an initial period where the US claims that it's not going to provide rocket artillery, or tanks, or (maybe) F-16 fighter jets only to reverse itself.
This is clearly a violation of the Powell doctrine, which dictates no military involvement without clear and achievable goals. What is the end game in the Ukraine? Is it to bleed Russia a bit before a final capitulation? Is it to regain territory? If so does that include the Crimea? The Biden Administration deserves every bit of the criticism that it is receiving because it refuses to explicate its objectives.
That is because people in the Administration are divided with regard to those objectives, and if any of them were clarified they would motivate Russia to fight on, to fight even harder. Putin is correct about some Americans, that they want to break up the Russian federation to create a weaker Russia. General Austin comes to mind, although his boss seems to have told him to put a lid on it for now.
Most Americans do not want Ukraine to take back Crimea, on account of that would start WWIII. Plus Obama essentially gave Russia a pass on that, because many people who know anything about the subject think Kruschev blew it in giving Crimea to Ukraine in the 1950’s.