Very insightful and important read for those who aren’t familiar with the subject (Rob Malley) but care passionately about its (his selection) import to foreign policy relating to the Mideast.

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I doubt either you or Obama have ever independently looked into the "1953 coup." It would've done him good as a student of Law, and you as a journalist to have read portion of Iranian constitution addressing nominating and sacking of PMs since the inception of constitution in 1906 in Iran. Also, I'd love to hear Obama's and your definition of "democratically elected" governments.

Obama and Malley parroted a wrong narrative. Based on the wrong narrative they initiated a policy that was utterly misaligned with reality then and now. If the current admin chooses to pursue policies based on those false narratives and does not consider facts relevant to today, they will miserably fail as well.

On a personal note, as an Iranian I find it insulting comments by those who have not studied the 1953 events, parroting others, portraying patriotic Iranians who planned and executed or participated in the sacking of a PM sound like stooges of the U.S. and/or the U.K.

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listen carefully Egypt Saudi UAE Israel are not the US toys After obama exercise with mubarak the Egyptians have invited the russians in gave them green light to use all their air bases and new naval port in addition Egypt is buying the SU 35 from Russia the Russians are erecting a nucleaer facility for egypt. egypt has learnt the the us is no ally and cant be trusted therefore it has introduced a superpower that can be relied upon. what obama did is an atomic arms race all over the middle east a nightmare. he gave iran too much money that gave iran the means to get very close to bomb and ability to finance all these great terror groups all over the world. what did obama expeted ? that m east countries will watch and do nothing.? the so called arab spring orchestrated by obama has and is biggest failure of any one person. costing millions of lives all over the m east. demands to release the enemy of people the muslim brotherhood are simply not going to happen. One time egypt fell for it. there will be no second time. the people of egypt want food water and medicine they couldnt care less about democracy egypt will turn into a continuous blood bath if the so called democracy is introduced. obama took egypt for granted and has pretty much lost it to russia and now china. 700m given to egypt is peanuts and doesnt make a difference. egypt is after a true loyal partner that doesnt push its nose into internal affairs of egypt partners that are honest and can be relied upon, qualities not to be found in the extreme left biden team full of jews . Saudi is fed up as its once loyal partner is pushing nose into internal affairs of saudi including defending a once muslim brother top agent. the us expects saudi to be attacked by persian missiles from yeman and just sit and take the hits. biden jewish team wants to cancel the biggest american arms orders world wide thats great for the US industry saudi realizing that anyway the us has become a non trustworthy past ally will spend the 80 billion usd in russia europe and china you can figure out how nany us workers are going home unemployed in addition and as a result of obama childish policies the saudis have invited the chinese in who arebuilding for saudi several nuclear facilities more pressure on saudiv means saudi will invite the russian and chinese to replace the unreliable past partner Uae on the verge of flipping and cancel its new arms orders and look for a reliable supplier Israel has said that it will not let iran have nuclear arms something the US is comfortable with so they will have to take action together with the arab states at a time they see fit. Iran repeatedly calls for destruction of israel with nuclear weapons it is naive to expect israel to be passive after the holocaust. these countries have made a coalition. its now one voice for 5 countries. if the us continues the obama style behavior it may find itself without partners in the middle east. the russians and later the chinese will be happy to replace the arrogant american left jews. if that happens us losses bases and more then that is flow of intelligence it derives from these

m east countries tens of billions worth of arms deals and losing any leverage it had in past. for m east countries the iran issue is a atter of life or death. they will go at iran whatever the costs are. the us is no longer in position to lose tens of thousands military personnel so this whole iran deal is a lie that nobody buys irrelevant of the personnel involved. once us allies see that important allies have flipped they may have 2nd thoughts whether they should take the risk and continue work with the usa. ppl worldwide do see what is attractive about iran that the us is ready to

sacrifice so much to help them. doubt that democracy can exist in iran for too long. obama is responsible for lives of millions for ongoing wars for losing us territories so it is beyond comprehension why you would let this dangerous person go back at these dangerous directions most ppl are certain that the damage obama created is so big that atomic wars sill happen there and ay reach much further.

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Bravo, Peter. I have always admired Rob Malley (from my perch in Israel), and am happy to hear he is in the Biden administration.

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