My dear, none of those things are true, and they don't become true just because you say so. The state of Palestine exists, it's a member of the UN. Occupation isn't apartheid and if you think I'm wrong show me where in the Geneva Conventions it says otherwise. Israel has no say on Hamas' tax policies or their throw gay people off rooftops policies. You're just wrong on every level.
Area C IS part of Palestine and if it was only the occupation you may be right, however the colonisation of the Palestinian territories makes that 2 differents civilian population are leaving under differents set of laws, it is apartheid.
Repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it true, yes as well as areas A and B, area C is part of Palestine. As for apartheid, please read the reports from Amnesty, Human Rights Watch etc .... From one of the report " The report states that, taken together, Israeli practices, including land expropriation, unlawful killings, forced displacement, restrictions on movement, and denial of citizenship rights amount to the crime of apartheid." For inside the green line I advise you to go to the Adalah website which list at least 50 discriminatory laws against Palestinians in Israel.
AI and HRW are wrong. AI is a Russian shill and HRW is so biased against Israel its own founder called it out in the New York Times.
I've seen the Adalah website, it's hilarious. None of the laws are actually discriminatory. One of the laws is that a postage stamp has a menorah on it.
Amnesty International is not a тАЬRussian shillтАЭ you are living in conspiracy theory MAGA coocoo cachoo land. AI has always been super critical of Russia on human rights and war just look at their reporting now on the Ukraine War for example. The problem with you Winters and people like you is you immediately believe any organization that shows you facts that you canтАЩt deal with must be some conspiracy or politically motivated group. ItтАЩs bullshit. HRW, AI, BTselem, UN, news orgs, many others have people on the ground reporting on what is happening in Palestine right before their very eyes. You arenтАЩt in the West Bank and have likely never spent any significant time there and are just consuming what the Israeli government wants you to believe because it aligns with what you want to hear.
Sometimes the truth isnтАЩt what you want to hear. I will readily admit that in the past certain beliefs IтАЩve had were proven by facts to be wrong once I opened my eyes. But you have to be open minded to allow this to happen not closed minded or overly nationalistic like Jews in Israel can do no wrong. Of course they can they can be just as evil or good as any other group of people
Truth: The State of Palestine exists and the people there are citizens of the state of Palestine.
Truth: Occupation is not apartheid, even when Palestinians are the ones being occupied.
Truth: Israel does not control Gaza, Hamas does.
My dear, none of those things are true, and they don't become true just because you say so. The state of Palestine exists, it's a member of the UN. Occupation isn't apartheid and if you think I'm wrong show me where in the Geneva Conventions it says otherwise. Israel has no say on Hamas' tax policies or their throw gay people off rooftops policies. You're just wrong on every level.
Area C and the settlements aren't part of the state of Palestine.
Show me where in the Geneva Conventions it states occupation is apartheid.
Area C IS part of Palestine and if it was only the occupation you may be right, however the colonisation of the Palestinian territories makes that 2 differents civilian population are leaving under differents set of laws, it is apartheid.
Area C isn't part of the state of Palestine.
It's not apartheid and if you disagree quote from an authoritative source about what apartheid is.
Repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it true, yes as well as areas A and B, area C is part of Palestine. As for apartheid, please read the reports from Amnesty, Human Rights Watch etc .... From one of the report " The report states that, taken together, Israeli practices, including land expropriation, unlawful killings, forced displacement, restrictions on movement, and denial of citizenship rights amount to the crime of apartheid." For inside the green line I advise you to go to the Adalah website which list at least 50 discriminatory laws against Palestinians in Israel.
AI and HRW are wrong. AI is a Russian shill and HRW is so biased against Israel its own founder called it out in the New York Times.
I've seen the Adalah website, it's hilarious. None of the laws are actually discriminatory. One of the laws is that a postage stamp has a menorah on it.
Make your own argument.
Amnesty International is not a тАЬRussian shillтАЭ you are living in conspiracy theory MAGA coocoo cachoo land. AI has always been super critical of Russia on human rights and war just look at their reporting now on the Ukraine War for example. The problem with you Winters and people like you is you immediately believe any organization that shows you facts that you canтАЩt deal with must be some conspiracy or politically motivated group. ItтАЩs bullshit. HRW, AI, BTselem, UN, news orgs, many others have people on the ground reporting on what is happening in Palestine right before their very eyes. You arenтАЩt in the West Bank and have likely never spent any significant time there and are just consuming what the Israeli government wants you to believe because it aligns with what you want to hear.
Sometimes the truth isnтАЩt what you want to hear. I will readily admit that in the past certain beliefs IтАЩve had were proven by facts to be wrong once I opened my eyes. But you have to be open minded to allow this to happen not closed minded or overly nationalistic like Jews in Israel can do no wrong. Of course they can they can be just as evil or good as any other group of people
All True!!