Because it's their land,stolen from them. Palestinians are freedom fighters just like the Ukrainians. And the fight is assymetrical: while Israel has all latest weapons incuding nuclear, the poor Palestians cannot match.
Im humanist, believe in equality. I'm also pacifist. Dont believe in war. We know where the issue is in Palestine, their land was stolen, give it back.
Does land mean anything to you? And while we're at it, do you envision an Israel with borders as defined by the divine landlord? Plan on expanding as far as Syria??
If land means nothing, who cares if it was stolen and who cares if they don't get it back. Like I said, figure out what you believe, and get back to me.
Dont know where you're going with this. Land is the livelihood of the poor Palestinians. They need it, and looks like they're not giving up on it.
Jews can settle anywhere around the world. That present Jews can hold dual, even more citizenships while the Palestinians are circumscribed in Palestine and in ME, as refugees. Have you no compassion?
I really think that the Jews who actually suffered Holocaust would have an problem with this. They know whst suffering is. You and present Jews who capitalize on their pain should be ashamed.
They need it? You should go tell them that "Land means nothing. Property and all possessions mean nothing. We are born with nothing, leave this place with nothing".
If land means nothing, why are Palestinians murdering people over it?
Because it's their land,stolen from them. Palestinians are freedom fighters just like the Ukrainians. And the fight is assymetrical: while Israel has all latest weapons incuding nuclear, the poor Palestians cannot match.
So land does mean more to Palestinians than human lives. Thanks for finally admitting it.
Land means nothing. So the Jews can can move back to Europe and USA and leave the poor with their land to farm some olives?
You're the one who thinks land means nothing and also worth more than human lives. Figure out what you actually believe and get back to me.
Where did you get that?
Im humanist, believe in equality. I'm also pacifist. Dont believe in war. We know where the issue is in Palestine, their land was stolen, give it back.
Does land mean anything to you? And while we're at it, do you envision an Israel with borders as defined by the divine landlord? Plan on expanding as far as Syria??
If land means nothing, who cares if it was stolen and who cares if they don't get it back. Like I said, figure out what you believe, and get back to me.
Dont know where you're going with this. Land is the livelihood of the poor Palestinians. They need it, and looks like they're not giving up on it.
Jews can settle anywhere around the world. That present Jews can hold dual, even more citizenships while the Palestinians are circumscribed in Palestine and in ME, as refugees. Have you no compassion?
I really think that the Jews who actually suffered Holocaust would have an problem with this. They know whst suffering is. You and present Jews who capitalize on their pain should be ashamed.
They need it? You should go tell them that "Land means nothing. Property and all possessions mean nothing. We are born with nothing, leave this place with nothing".
No, this message is for you and all greedy and entitled humans.
If Palestinians are killing people for nothing, sounds like they're the ones who are greedy and entitled. By your criteria, not mine.