This is hilarious. You're Peter freaking Beinart. You've spent your entire career carrying water for *probably* the most anti-Semitic country in the world (or at least top 5). You've downplayed, excused, justified, victim-blamed or ignored Palestine's anti-Semitism for decades. And now you expect us to take you seriously when you condemn…
This is hilarious. You're Peter freaking Beinart. You've spent your entire career carrying water for *probably* the most anti-Semitic country in the world (or at least top 5). You've downplayed, excused, justified, victim-blamed or ignored Palestine's anti-Semitism for decades. And now you expect us to take you seriously when you condemn Kanye?
Palestine has killed tens of thousands of Jews, and been responsible for the deaths of many more. Kanye has killed exactly zero. So spare me the crocodile tears Beinart. It's pretty clear to me that you only are getting your undies in a bunch about Kanye because he's a Trump supporter. If he was a keffiyeh wearing, PLO flag waving leftist you'd be his biggest fan.
And by the way, Kanye even said himself that he hates "Zionists," not Jews. So case closed right? Haven't Palestinians been saying exactly that for decades as well?
Speaking of which, the reason why "anti-Palestinian racism" isn't talked about is because it doesn't exist in any statistically significant capacity. If you can show me some data indicating it's on the level with anti-Semitism or anti-black racism I'd be willing to be proven wrong, but there aren't, you know that. The only anti-Palestinian racism that is discussed is Palestinians trying to play the race card to silence legitimate criticism of their war crimes, like Diana Buttu does here:
Interesting how you label yourself "Anonymous"...generally those who refuse to put a name to their rhetoric, don't actually believe it. But, free speech, right? Your opinion is just that. None of what you post is factual. But, again, free speech?
Sweetie, some of the greatest works in human history have been written anonymously, from "The One Thousand and One Nights" to "Common Sense" and beyond.
Is there anything in my post you would like to try and disprove?
This is hilarious. You're Peter freaking Beinart. You've spent your entire career carrying water for *probably* the most anti-Semitic country in the world (or at least top 5). You've downplayed, excused, justified, victim-blamed or ignored Palestine's anti-Semitism for decades. And now you expect us to take you seriously when you condemn Kanye?
Palestine has killed tens of thousands of Jews, and been responsible for the deaths of many more. Kanye has killed exactly zero. So spare me the crocodile tears Beinart. It's pretty clear to me that you only are getting your undies in a bunch about Kanye because he's a Trump supporter. If he was a keffiyeh wearing, PLO flag waving leftist you'd be his biggest fan.
And by the way, Kanye even said himself that he hates "Zionists," not Jews. So case closed right? Haven't Palestinians been saying exactly that for decades as well?
Speaking of which, the reason why "anti-Palestinian racism" isn't talked about is because it doesn't exist in any statistically significant capacity. If you can show me some data indicating it's on the level with anti-Semitism or anti-black racism I'd be willing to be proven wrong, but there aren't, you know that. The only anti-Palestinian racism that is discussed is Palestinians trying to play the race card to silence legitimate criticism of their war crimes, like Diana Buttu does here:
Disprove? On your Palestine bullshit? I have a lot of work in the next few hours, but YEAH...I sure will. Check back later today.
In the meantime, check out my factual post're on the wrong side of good. The uneducated are some very sad people.
Hey honey it’s later today. Where did you go?
Interesting how you label yourself "Anonymous"...generally those who refuse to put a name to their rhetoric, don't actually believe it. But, free speech, right? Your opinion is just that. None of what you post is factual. But, again, free speech?
Sweetie, some of the greatest works in human history have been written anonymously, from "The One Thousand and One Nights" to "Common Sense" and beyond.
Is there anything in my post you would like to try and disprove?
I'm NOT your education is actually a GOOD thing. Invest in one!