I fought so hard to reveal to those who were willing to take a chance on Trump, on who he was/is in 2015, when he took that tacky trip down his golden escalator in Trump Tower, announcing his run for the 2016 presidency. Knowing how he and his father literally killed many African American families in the 70s, by evicting them from their …
I fought so hard to reveal to those who were willing to take a chance on Trump, on who he was/is in 2015, when he took that tacky trip down his golden escalator in Trump Tower, announcing his run for the 2016 presidency. Knowing how he and his father literally killed many African American families in the 70s, by evicting them from their properties, putting them up in summer bungalows with no heat, during the winter months, should have been a very easy decision on how to cast one's vote...that is, if you're not a bigot.
So many love that "tough guy" facade, when those of us who actually know him, know him to be a coward. But, he's good at riling up the very illiterate in this country. The ones who are angry for their lives and misgivings, and need someone to blame. Those angry Americans refuse to educate themselves on WHY they are so bitter...so angry; instead look to the one who hates the same people as they do.
One could talk repeatedly on the topic of how anti-semitism has grown significantly in the days of Trump. He's given the uneducated a voice they've never had before. The Liberals...the "elites," (the right wing shout at us), believe we think we are better than they are...the uneducated. We are better. We believe in facts...we believe in truth. No one has to invest in higher education, if they would just do the work, which is free. None of the Trump supporters will look into any non-biased news forum. They look only to FOX, Newsmax, Washington Examiner, Breitbart...for their daily news fix. Nothing but propaganda. By influence, whomever or whatever, these supporters of Trump, glorify their hatred, and rely on it. It's what sustains them. Without it, their voices are silenced.
These "Trumpers" were just waiting for someone like him. This didn't begin in Charlottesville, when a Confederate Statue was going to be removed. Civil society had FINALLY realized, racism needed to be addressed, and defeated. Sadly, it took far too long to begin this progression. If this had occurred in the 60s...of course we'd still be fighting for equality, but it might have been more facile. Putting someone like Trump in office, just exacerbated bigotry and anti-semitism. And they grew...just like cockroaches breeding.
Doesn't "Ye" know he's a black man? Doesn't "Ye" understand Trump uses him as a tool? Trump doesn't care about West, anymore than he cares about his own children. If "Ye" can't help Trump, Trump will quickly dismiss him as another "N-word." Let's not forget the two page ad Trump took out in the New York Times advocating for the death penalty for the "Central Park Five"...with no retraction...with no apology, once they were proven to be innocent...and STILL believes they should receive the death penalty...for what? Being black? It's laughable...it's sick, and still Trumpism controls the Republican Party.
I'm getting off track just a bit here now, when it comes to the "Marriage Act"...I know Obergefell vs Hodges is regarding same sex marriage, but it appears Justice Clarence Thomas is interested in hearing case law on Loving vs Virginia, where the states won't recognize interracial marriage. Doesn't this black man realize he's married to a white woman? Or doesn't Thomas recognize he's a black man? Clarence Thomas is a black man, and his wife Virginia, is an insurrectionist.
POWER is a very greedy and STRONG DESIRE. I never realized it as I have in the past 8 years of my life. Money is nothing compared to POWER.
I fought so hard to reveal to those who were willing to take a chance on Trump, on who he was/is in 2015, when he took that tacky trip down his golden escalator in Trump Tower, announcing his run for the 2016 presidency. Knowing how he and his father literally killed many African American families in the 70s, by evicting them from their properties, putting them up in summer bungalows with no heat, during the winter months, should have been a very easy decision on how to cast one's vote...that is, if you're not a bigot.
So many love that "tough guy" facade, when those of us who actually know him, know him to be a coward. But, he's good at riling up the very illiterate in this country. The ones who are angry for their lives and misgivings, and need someone to blame. Those angry Americans refuse to educate themselves on WHY they are so bitter...so angry; instead look to the one who hates the same people as they do.
One could talk repeatedly on the topic of how anti-semitism has grown significantly in the days of Trump. He's given the uneducated a voice they've never had before. The Liberals...the "elites," (the right wing shout at us), believe we think we are better than they are...the uneducated. We are better. We believe in facts...we believe in truth. No one has to invest in higher education, if they would just do the work, which is free. None of the Trump supporters will look into any non-biased news forum. They look only to FOX, Newsmax, Washington Examiner, Breitbart...for their daily news fix. Nothing but propaganda. By influence, whomever or whatever, these supporters of Trump, glorify their hatred, and rely on it. It's what sustains them. Without it, their voices are silenced.
These "Trumpers" were just waiting for someone like him. This didn't begin in Charlottesville, when a Confederate Statue was going to be removed. Civil society had FINALLY realized, racism needed to be addressed, and defeated. Sadly, it took far too long to begin this progression. If this had occurred in the 60s...of course we'd still be fighting for equality, but it might have been more facile. Putting someone like Trump in office, just exacerbated bigotry and anti-semitism. And they grew...just like cockroaches breeding.
Doesn't "Ye" know he's a black man? Doesn't "Ye" understand Trump uses him as a tool? Trump doesn't care about West, anymore than he cares about his own children. If "Ye" can't help Trump, Trump will quickly dismiss him as another "N-word." Let's not forget the two page ad Trump took out in the New York Times advocating for the death penalty for the "Central Park Five"...with no retraction...with no apology, once they were proven to be innocent...and STILL believes they should receive the death penalty...for what? Being black? It's laughable...it's sick, and still Trumpism controls the Republican Party.
I'm getting off track just a bit here now, when it comes to the "Marriage Act"...I know Obergefell vs Hodges is regarding same sex marriage, but it appears Justice Clarence Thomas is interested in hearing case law on Loving vs Virginia, where the states won't recognize interracial marriage. Doesn't this black man realize he's married to a white woman? Or doesn't Thomas recognize he's a black man? Clarence Thomas is a black man, and his wife Virginia, is an insurrectionist.
POWER is a very greedy and STRONG DESIRE. I never realized it as I have in the past 8 years of my life. Money is nothing compared to POWER.