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Imagine, imagine, imagine...you say if Israel, kumbaya, accepted Palestinians as equals. How about when Palestinians accept Israel??

These are the people who commemorate terrorists who murder innocent civilians on busses, in restaurants, in nightclubs, and walking down the street. Who pay pensions to the families of suicide bombers to incentivize others to do the same. Who teach their children to hate Jews using the language Nazis used.

Imagine if the Palestinians accepted Israel, accepted living in their own country in peace next to Israel, and accepted a “right of return” to this new Palestinian nation, not to Israel. Imagine, imagine, imagine...

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No, this is nonsense (to avoid the 8 letter word that starts with a "b"). The vast majority of Palestinians want to be able to live their lives decently and not in a police state, which, sadly, is what the state of Israel is for the great majority of them; about one Palestinian --unarmed, civilian -- is killed by the IDF or the police per day. The great majority of Palestinians are not calling for the blood of Jews, That is false, as you must know, but must be the only way you can rationalise what is being done to the Palestinians. Of course, there are some Palestinians who do seek vengeance and blood just as their are many Jewish Israelis who do (of Palestinians), e.g. Smotrich and Ben-Gvir. Please take off your blinders and try to see this situation in its full complexity and with humanity.

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Here’s the difference in the statistics that the media rarely explains: the Palestinians being killed are terrorists. Israeli security forces put themselves in danger trying to arrest these murderers. Palestinians target civilians unabashedly, intentionally. Understand???

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One person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter. Stop making the “terrorists” fight for their freedoms, and there will be no more “terrorists”. Come on Israel! Shock the world. Dismantle the checkpoints, overnight, give the Arabs full rights, and watch them lay down their arms immediately. It’s all about the chauvenism of Jews, their supremacist attitude. That is what the resistance is all about.

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Ha! Is that a joke? You don’t need to experiment with what that might look like. Go to the time before checkpoints, security forces working with the PA to root out terrorists, and the security fence along the border. Do you member what that looked like? Suicide bombers blowing up buses, nightclubs, and more.

No, the onus is not on Israel to change. It is on the Palestinians. They are the ones who reject Israel and their corrupt leaders are responsible for how their citizens live.

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The escalating radicalization of Palestinian young men, such as the Lion’s Den, would not be happening if Israel treated the Palestinians with more dignity. Israeli society has been indoctrinated by hasbara not to do that. Frans de Waal did research with bonobos and chimpanzes and found that nothing evokes rage more than the perception or fact of UNFAIRNESS. Jews came to Palestine with the express purpose of not being fair to the Arabs there. The creation of Israel as a home for the Jews is the evidence.

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False. The Arabs living in Israel in 1948 could stay, but many were duped by surrounding Arab countries to leave during the war and then return after the Jews lost. But the war didn’t turn out that way, and these Arabs were not allowed to return to victorious Israel (nor go to the surrounding Arab countries either except for Jordan.) Meanwhile, many Arabs stayed. Do you know what they are called today? Israeli citizens. And when asked whether they would want to become Palestinian citizens should a state emerge, over 95% said no, they’d rather stay Israeli.

As for the Palestinians, they will be treated with respect when they behave like they deserve respect. That means no terror attacks against Israelis, no teaching their children antisemitism and hatred of Israel, etc.

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Haha, I’m not suggesting that Arabs are apes! Rather I spurn religion and believe that all humans are related to and share similarities with apes. Incidentally, dog researchers have found that fairness plays a big role in dog psychology as well. Maybe it’s universal for all creatures.

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Also, the unfairness of neoliberalism is what made millions of disgruntled Americans vote for Trump. Of course they were duped, conned, by the soothing, fake validation of his words, but nonetheless it was all about UNFAIRNESS.

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Murderers? They are freedom fighters and want their land back just like the Ukrainians. We all know what the Jews want. We have read Torah. They want to clear the "holy land " of Gentiles as commanded by Yahweh. The instructions on how to do this are clear and what they are doing and have been doing for decades is not without precedent. Joshua and others did it with the help of some god.

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The vast majority of Palestinians want Israeli Jews dead. - "71% support the Palestinian armed attack on two Israeli settlers in Huwara. " - https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/938

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"accepted a “right of return” to this new Palestinian nation, not to Israel. Imagine, imagine, imagine...""

You imagine how the Palestinians feel after losing their homes. They want to return to their homes. Why not right of return to Israel? Why do the Jews want to seclude themselves from others in a land stolen from others? How about we explore a right of return to Germany for the Jews? In fact Jews have a right of return to Germany and many are moving back in droves.

Dear Richard Jaffee and all deluded Jews, "You are not a chosen people, you are not special, other people do not believe in your god and are under no obligation to follow your god's commands. You share the world with others, who are your equal. Give up the delusions and have the Palestinians have their land. You can move back to Germany or join your brothers and sisters in USA.

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You’re a moron. Not even worth responding to you.

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Hit a nerve, ha? Give up the delusions and make this world a better place for the sake of everyone. Jews' sob story no longer hold any water; Palestinians are stuck in their land called Israel and Palestine while the Jews can move anyone around the world. Go back to Germany or USA. My compassion's with the disfranchised Palestinians.

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