Well their platform on their website -- bdsmovement.net -- clearly uses the language of calling Israel a colonialist endeavor, and calls for UN resolution 194 (right of return to Israel proper), and DO NOT clearly advocate in their marches, banners, or forums for any semblance of what Oslo Accords suggested. Come on Peter. I am a college…
Well their platform on their website -- bdsmovement.net -- clearly uses the language of calling Israel a colonialist endeavor, and calls for UN resolution 194 (right of return to Israel proper), and DO NOT clearly advocate in their marches, banners, or forums for any semblance of what Oslo Accords suggested. Come on Peter. I am a college professor and see the way Jewish students are harassed, couched in the veil of BDS and anti-Israel policies, when the slippery slope is clearly there, evident, and ruthless. I'd like to see you get a BDS leader to go on record in support of a two-state solution.
Well their platform on their website -- bdsmovement.net -- clearly uses the language of calling Israel a colonialist endeavor, and calls for UN resolution 194 (right of return to Israel proper), and DO NOT clearly advocate in their marches, banners, or forums for any semblance of what Oslo Accords suggested. Come on Peter. I am a college professor and see the way Jewish students are harassed, couched in the veil of BDS and anti-Israel policies, when the slippery slope is clearly there, evident, and ruthless. I'd like to see you get a BDS leader to go on record in support of a two-state solution.