It's pretty simple. Jews have the right to self-determination and statehood, and anti-Zionism seeks to strip them of those rights. It's anti-Semitic to deprive Jews of their rights.
It's hypocritical as well because the Palestinians have been advocating for a state of their own, and many of those same anti-Zionists are advocating FOR a P…
It's pretty simple. Jews have the right to self-determination and statehood, and anti-Zionism seeks to strip them of those rights. It's anti-Semitic to deprive Jews of their rights.
It's hypocritical as well because the Palestinians have been advocating for a state of their own, and many of those same anti-Zionists are advocating FOR a Palestinian state while simultaneously advocating AGAINST a Jewish state. A pretty obvious double standard, on par with advocating for white people to be able to vote but not black people.
Peter, you and I both know there are dozens of states worldwide with ethnic and religious characters. There are 21 Christian and 50 Muslim countries, to only give two examples. Anti-Zionism calls for the removal and ONLY the removal of the one Jewish state, leaving all of the other religious and ethnic states in place. That is as blatant and obvious an anti-Semitic double standard as you can possibly find, on par with demolishing the one synagogue in town while leaving the dozens of churches and mosques intact.
I don't see anti-Zionists marching in opposition to the existence of a Palestinian state, or a Scottish state, or a Kurdish state, or ANY OTHER STATE besides the Jewish one. In theory and in practice, anti-Zionism is seeking to strip the Jews and only the Jews of an institution that dozens of other nations take for granted.
It's pretty simple. Jews have the right to self-determination and statehood, and anti-Zionism seeks to strip them of those rights. It's anti-Semitic to deprive Jews of their rights.
It's hypocritical as well because the Palestinians have been advocating for a state of their own, and many of those same anti-Zionists are advocating FOR a Palestinian state while simultaneously advocating AGAINST a Jewish state. A pretty obvious double standard, on par with advocating for white people to be able to vote but not black people.
you might find this worth reading
Peter, you and I both know there are dozens of states worldwide with ethnic and religious characters. There are 21 Christian and 50 Muslim countries, to only give two examples. Anti-Zionism calls for the removal and ONLY the removal of the one Jewish state, leaving all of the other religious and ethnic states in place. That is as blatant and obvious an anti-Semitic double standard as you can possibly find, on par with demolishing the one synagogue in town while leaving the dozens of churches and mosques intact.
I don't see anti-Zionists marching in opposition to the existence of a Palestinian state, or a Scottish state, or a Kurdish state, or ANY OTHER STATE besides the Jewish one. In theory and in practice, anti-Zionism is seeking to strip the Jews and only the Jews of an institution that dozens of other nations take for granted.